What is the DISC Assessment?

The DISC assessment is a behavioral assessment tool used to measure an individual's behavioral tendencies and personality traits. It is based on the DISC theory developed by psychologist William Moulton Marston, which suggests that people exhibit four main behavioral styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.

The DISC assessment is typically a questionnaire that asks individuals to rate themselves on a series of statements related to their behavior and personality. The assessment then generates a report that provides insights into the individual's strengths, weaknesses, communication style, and preferred work environment.

DISC assessments are often used in workplaces to help with hiring decisions, team building, and leadership development. They can also be used in personal development to gain a better understanding of oneself and improve communication with others.

Why use a DISC Assessment?

People might use the DISC assessment for several reasons.

  1. Self-awareness: The DISC assessment provides individuals with insights into their behavioral tendencies and personality traits. This information can help them become more self-aware and understand how their behavior might impact their relationships with others.
  2. Team building: The DISC assessment can be used to build more effective teams by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of team members and promoting better communication and collaboration.
  3. Leadership development: The DISC assessment can help leaders understand their communication style and how to adapt it to different team members. This can improve leadership effectiveness and employee engagement.
  4. Hiring decisions: The DISC assessment can be used in the hiring process to identify candidates with the behavioral traits and personality characteristics that are a good fit for the job and the company culture.
  5. Conflict resolution: The DISC assessment can be used to resolve conflicts by helping individuals understand the motivations and communication styles of others.

Overall, the DISC assessment can be a useful tool for personal and professional growth, improving communication and relationships, and making more informed decisions.

DISC Assessment Options

Concise Report


The DISC Concise Report provides a summary of behavioral preferences, strengths, areas for growth, communication style, decision-making approach, task approach, and interaction style. It also highlights motivators and stressors.

This report is useful for personal development, team building, and leadership training, enabling better understanding of oneself and others for effective communication and collaboration.

Leadership Report


The DISC Leadership Report analyzes a leader's dominant behavioral traits, communication style, decision-making approach, motivators, stressors, and areas for growth as a leader. This report offers insights into how the individual influences and interacts with their team, their leadership strengths, potential challenges, and strategies for effective leadership.

The DISC Leadership Report is a valuable resource for leadership development programs, helping individuals optimize their leadership skills and enhance their team's performance.

Selling Report

The DISC Selling Report is a targeted assessment tool that applies the DISC model to the field of sales.

It evaluates an individual's behavioral style and preferences in the context of sales and entrepreneurship. This report provides insights into the individual's communication style, approach to building relationships, sales strengths, potential challenges, and strategies for success in selling.

The DISC Selling Report is a valuable resource for selling professionals, helping them understand their behavioral tendencies and leverage them effectively to achieve sales goals and build a successful business.

The DISC Standard Report  provides a comprehensive analysis of behavioral preferences, strengths, areas for growth, communication style, decision-making approach, task approach, and interaction style. It also identifies motivators and stressors.

This report is beneficial for personal development, team building, and leadership training, enabling improved self-awareness and effective interpersonal dynamics.

Standard Report


Hiring Insight Report (Job Matching)

The DISC Hiring Insight Report is a valuable tool for assessing candidates during the hiring process based on the DISC model.

This report evaluates the candidate's behavioral style, communication preferences, work approach, decision-making tendencies, and potential areas for growth. It provides insights into how the candidate may fit into a specific role and team dynamics.

The DISC Hiring Insight Report helps employers make informed hiring decisions, enabling them to select candidates who align with the job requirements and the organization's culture

Extended Report


The DISC Extended Report provides an in-depth analysis of behavioral strengths, areas for development, communication preferences, decision-making style, work environment preferences, and leadership tendencies. It also explores motivators, stressors, and potential areas of conflict.

The DISC Extended Report is valuable for personal growth, team dynamics, and leadership development, offering a detailed understanding of behavioral patterns for enhanced self-awareness and effective collaboration.

Fitness Report


The DISC Fitness Report is a specialized assessment tool that applies the DISC model to the context of fitness and physical activities. It evaluates an individual's behavioral style and preferences related to exercise, training, and fitness goals.

This report provides insights into the individual's motivation, preferred workout environment, communication style with trainers, and potential obstacles to maintaining a fitness routine.

The DISC Fitness Report is beneficial for personal trainers and fitness professionals in tailoring workout programs and strategies to align with the individual's behavioral tendencies and maximize their fitness journey.

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