Executive Excellence:

Elevate with CEO Coaching

CEO Coaching Packages:

LEADERSHIP ESSENTIALS $500 (4 weekly, 1-hour sessions)   SCHEDULE HERE

Services Included:

  • Determine Your Leadership Style
  • Effective Communication
  • S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting
  • Time Management Skills for Busy Professionals

LEADERSHIP MASTERY $1200 ( 8 sessions: 2 sessions per month) SCHEDULE HERE

Services Included:

  • Define Leadership Roles & Responsibilities
  • Discovering & Developing your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • Conflict Management in the Office Environment
  • Executive Self-Care Workshop
  • Leadership Coaching 
  • Leadership Skills for Managers & Supervisors
  • Workflow Management

EXECUTIVE EXCELLENCE $2000 (12 Sessions: 3 per month)  SCHEDULE HERE

Services Included:

  • DISC Leadership Assessment
  • 5 Cs of Hiring Right
  • Personality & Skills Matching Workshop
  • 3 months of Leadership Subscription Box
  • Staff Appreciation Strategy Session
  • S.W.O.T. Analysis
  • Virtual Leadership Book Study

Employee Mediation/

Conflict Resolution

Dr. Renee', a seasoned expert in leadership and conflict resolution, leads this Employee Mediation and Conflict Resolution service. In today's dynamic workplace, conflicts are bound to arise, but how you handle them can make all the difference in maintaining a harmonious and productive environment.

Key Features:

  1. Professional Mediation Expertise: Dr. Renee' brings years of experience in mediating complex workplace conflicts. Her approach is rooted in the principles of Servant Leadership, fostering a culture of understanding, empathy, and collaboration.
  2. Customized Conflict Resolution: Each conflict is unique, and Dr. Renee' tailors her mediation approach to the specific needs and dynamics of your organization. She helps employees navigate disputes, ensuring that resolutions are fair, constructive, and sustainable.
  3. Improved Communication: Through guided discussions and effective communication techniques, employees learn to express their concerns, listen actively, and find common ground. This fosters a culture of open dialogue and mutual respect.
  4. Conflict Prevention Strategies: Dr. Renee' doesn't just resolve conflicts; she also equips your team with tools and strategies to proactively address and prevent future conflicts. This empowers your organization to maintain a positive and productive work environment.
  5. Lasting Results: The goal is not just to resolve the current conflict but to build a foundation for better relationships and collaboration among your team members. Dr. Renee' ensures that the solutions reached have a long-lasting positive impact on your workplace.
  6. Confidentiality and Neutrality: Dr. Renee' maintains strict confidentiality throughout the mediation process, ensuring that all parties feel safe and heard. She acts as a neutral third party, facilitating discussions without bias.

Why Choose Dr. Renee' for Employee Mediation and Conflict Resolution:

Dr. Renee' combines her extensive knowledge of leadership and conflict resolution with a deep commitment to the principles of Servant Leadership. Her approach is designed to align with your organization's values and goals, making her an ideal choice to guide your team through challenging times. With her guidance, your organization can turn conflicts into opportunities for growth, collaboration, and strengthened relationships among employees.

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